Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the second term in Reception! We hope everyone had a happy, safe and relaxed Christmas break.
The first term has certainly flown by, and it has been lovely to see the Reception children settle, make new friends and find their feet in their new surroundings. We look forward to welcoming some new faces after the Lunar New Year!
The children have all worked incredibly hard and we are so proud of how they have grown and progressed this past term. They have returned to school full of enthusiasm and energy, and it has been fantastic to see their eagerness to learn. We have had a brilliant start to the term, diving straight into our new topics with a lot of curiosity and excitement.
Please take note of some important dates this term:
14th February – L.I.S. Sports Day
24th to 28th February – Green Week (TBC)
24th to 28th March- Book Week (TBC)
The children have already started practising for Sports Day and are we are truly looking forward to it.
As always thank you for your continued support and involvement!
Kind Regards
The Reception Team
Welcome to Reception 2024/2025
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Lantau International School. We are very excited to meet you all and welcome back a few familiar faces.
I am Nadia Jonck, the new Reception Class English teacher. I am a qualified teacher with a focus on Early Childhood Education. I am originally from South Africa, but I live here in South Lantau with my husband and two young boys. I am very passionate about early childhood education and look forward to creating learning and teaching opportunities that inspire, stimulate and challenge curious young minds. It will be a year of magical wonder and amazing growth for your child!
Teddy Sun (Sun Laoshi) is the class Mandarin teacher and is also starting his fifth year at LIS. He has a master’s degree in teaching Chinese as an International Language and has nine years teaching experience in Hong Kong. Sun Laoshi loves drawing and artwork, and plays many different kinds of sports.
We are huge supporters of parent-teacher communication. It is our hope that this note will be the basis for a great deal of dialogue and communication between us. We want your child to have a happy and successful school year. Please feel free to share anything you would like us to know about your child. The more we know, the better we can effectively meet his/ her needs in the classroom. Our goal is to make this the best year for every child in our classroom!
We know the first day of school can be exciting but also stressful for little ones. Please take the time to read each teacher’s profile with your child (sent to your e-mail address) to help them feel more comfortable as they embark on this new adventure.
We look forward to seeing you soon! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have.
Kind Regards,
The LIS Reception Team
Mrs. Nadia Jonck & Mr. Teddy Sun
Happy New Year 2024!
Karen Sargent (Ms. Karen) is the classroom teacher, She has been with the Reception class at Lantau International School for four years. She has 12 years of teaching experience at International Schools in Hong Kong and is a qualified teacher with a focus in Early Childhood Education. She also has a TEFL Certification (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Karen is originally from the United States but has been living in Hong Kong for the past 12 years. She resides in South Lantau with her husband and two children. She enjoy teaching young learners through interactive games, activities and songs.
Teddy Sun ( 孫老師, Sun Laoshi) is the class Mandarin teacher and is also starting his fourth year at LIS with the Reception Class. He has his master’s degree in teaching Chinese as an International Language and has taught the Chinese subject for the past eight years (Mandarin and English) in Hong Kong. Sun Laoshi loves drawing and artwork, and also plays many different kinds of sports.
At Lantau International School we believe language learning helps students embrace different cultures and gain a better understanding of the world. At L.I.S. we naturally integrate language learning into different courses through classroom interactions and various activities.
We welcome any questions you may have about the school and the teachers.